People Wearing Crazy Outfits To Shop Offer More Questions Than Answers
Wearing sweatpants and slippers to the grocery store might look strange to people sporting jeans and a t-shirt. But that ensemble is tame compared to some of these upcoming outfits.
From hair rollers and taco costumes to Japanese anime and literal suits of armor, these people are not messing around with their grocery store wardrobe.
The Heels Help Her Get To The Top Shelf

First, let's give this lady a slow clap for getting up in the morning and deciding to put on ten-inch heels and do nothing more than go to the grocery store.
While her feet are probably killing her from walking around in those things, grabbing items from the top shelf has undoubtedly never been easier!
When Its Laundry Day And A Taco Is The Only Thing Clean

There are only a few possible reasons why this girl opted to wear a taco costume to the grocery store. The first being it was laundry day, and there was nothing else clean.
The second scenario being Halloween, and she ran to the store before the night's festivities started. The thing is, she looks like she woke up in the costume. So, maybe the day after the Halloween festivities!
Howdy, Cowboy

The coordination of this outfit is on point. Not only did this person decide to whip out their red pants and shirt, but they grabbed their matching red cowboy hat on the way out of the house.
But the biggest selling point of this ensemble has to be the matching fuzzy jacket and boots.
Welcome To The Jungle

Nothing says friendship quite like sporting matching zebra onesies to pick up a few items at the local grocery store. Honestly, while they look very much out of place amongst the rest of the mundane dressers, they are hands down the most comfortable.
Welcome to the jungle of a grocery store, ladies, where you'll find all of your zebra needs.
Metallic Gold Pants Are A Statement

Going to the store wearing anything other than typical shorts, pants, or even a dress or sweatpants can be thought of as "different." This lady clearly doesn't care about societal norms, though.
Before heading to the store, she took out her shiny gold metallic pants, grabbed a shirt that matched, and strutted out the door to buy her groceries.
Shopping Before Yodeling Practice

Not only does this lady have her hair perfectly manicured around her neck, but she is wearing a costume that can only be described as something straight out of a yodeling show.
Either that or she was an extra on A Mighty Wind and decided to keep the costume for future outings, such as running to the grocery store.
Just An Extra From The Set Of Mad Max

This lady knew exactly what she was doing when she got up and got dressed. Bypassing jeans and a normal t-shirt, this person went straight for their full-body leather spandex suit, complete with a gas mask.
It is definitely a conversation piece that undoubtedly had people coming up and asking if they were an extra for some strange apocalyptic sci-fi movie.
What Does The Fox Say?

For some people, wearing a foxtail, or any animal tail is part of their normal wardrobe. On the other hand, this man didn't stop at the tail. He opted to go all-out!
Along with the tail, he painted his face and sported some ears. Not only that, but he's actually walking around with a fox stuffed animal, too!
Star-Spangled Onesie

This man decided to go full-on patriotic for his trip to the store. While there is nothing wrong with representing one's country, this stars and stripes onesie is a bit much for daily wear.
If it were the Fourth of July, it would make a bit more sense. Hey, the man could even get a pass if it were Presidents Day weekend. A normal Tuesday afternoon, though, is questionable at best.

Not only is this guy going full-on cheetah in the middle of the grocery store, but he bit one of the products he's buying, getting fully into character.
But, honestly, it is the holding of the pineapple and the pretty flowers in the basket that really pulls the entire cheetah onesie outfit together.
Knights Of The Shopping Aisles

Who needs King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table when people can go to their local supermarket and see the Knights of the Shopping Aisles? While their outfits are stellar, one question remains.
How in the world did they find sui0ts of armor, complete with swords? They're pretty amazing replicas of medieval times!
Ugly Christmas Sweater For The Win

As an employee, this girl decided to get the rest of her team in the holiday spirit, wearing one of the ugliest Christmas sweaters around. Full of pine needles, tinsel, and ornaments, this worker should really get a raise for wearing this sweater during her shift!
She definitely got more than one compliment on her dedication to ugly sweater culture.
Sugar Crash In Aisle Nine

This person's choice of outfit aside, they look as though they landed in a major sugar crash while shopping. Well, at least, that's what the two bottles of Dr. Pepper suggest.
Even so, at least they're wearing pajama pants and a soft-looking jacket; it probably makes lying on the floor a bit more comfortable.
Running Late To His D&D Game

This gentleman looks as though he had to run to the store for some snacks before heading over to a friend's house for an epic Dungeons and Dragons match.
At least, that's one of the only reasons that come to mind as to why he's sporting a wizarding robe in the middle of Walmart.
Here Comes The Bride

Nothing says true love, like a quick trip to the grocery store before heading over to the reception. Well, either that, or this is a runaway bride, considering she's fully dressed in her gown and the guy is wearing cargo shorts and a t-shirt.
What happened at the wedding ceremony? The world may never know.
Wearing Onesies While Shopping For More Onesies

This is a type of commitment that is not often seen, especially in stores. These people made it a point to wear matching onesies out shopping, only to look at other onesies that they'll potentially purchase.
On the other hand, there is really no "potential" for the purchase. Going shopping in those outfits makes it apparent that they'll definitely be buying the other onesie.
Beauty And Grace

This lady probably just wanted to make sure she really liked the facemask before heading to the store to buy more of the product. Unfortunately, she decided waiting the ten to 15 minutes it takes for the mask to work properly was time better spent at the store.
So, here she is, strutting her I Love New York t-shirt and a blue face.
Channeling Their Inner Smurf

Getting dressed before heading to the store, this person decided on a full blue ensemble. This doesn't mean blue pants and a blue top but a blue wig that is the exact same color.
How they were able to find a wig the precise shade of blue as the rest of the outfit is a mystery.
Cookie Monster Buying Cookies

This person knew exactly what they were doing when they went to the grocery store. Wearing a Cookie Monster costume, they didn't grab anything else from the store aside from a box of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies.
Honestly, what else could they have possibly bought? Maybe a gallon of milk, but that is pretty much it.
There Are Two Types Of People

These two shoppers are the epitome of the phrase "there are two types of people in the world."
While the lady on the left decided to leave her curlers in for a quick trip to the store, the person on the right wasn't about to step foot out of their house without their hair, makeup, and anime outfit perfectly assembled.
Don't Mess With This Baby

This little one is on a mission.
Not only were they dressed in what looks like a bathing suit with shorts underneath, but they took it upon themselves to find a superhero mask and put it on, waltzing down the aisle and on their way to stop any crime that may be happening in the store.
Gotta Catch The Family At The Grocery Store

This family is the definitely of goals. It was most likely their little one's idea to dress up, probably walking out of their room wearing the Pikachu costume. That then prompted their parents to whip out their Ash Ketchum and Misty costumes.
The fact that they had the costumes ready to go in the blink of an eye is amazing.
Even Fairies Need An iPod

Either this girl was on the way to some music and art festival, or this was her normal everyday attire. Amazingly, even the fairy wings aren't deterring the sales representative from selling her an iPod.
He doesn't even seem to be questioning her! Just a typical day at the store.
One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other

Apparently, everything is fair game at the customer service desk, including someone dressed in an absurdly large pink fox costume. This person doesn't even seem to have anything they want to return!
Unless they're planning on returning the costume that is currently on their body, these customer service representatives are going to have a lot of questions.
Super Shopper

This gentleman definitely woke up feeling extra super before making his way to the grocery store. With a Superman shirt, shorts, and cape, he completed the look by giving the well-known hero attire a modern twist in the form of a white fedora.
Honestly, Superman should think about taking a page out of this man's fashion handbook.
Go-Go Dancer Meets Police Officer

Unless it was Halloween, there are numerous questions surrounding this person's choice of attire while shopping. Wearing an outfit that can only be described as a go-go dancer and police officer hybrid, the pleather-looking jacket and skirt does not look comfortable.
At least people knew when he was walking down an aisle, as his entire being probably squeaked.
One Of The More Comfortable Looks

While this is a jacket, one can't help doing a double-take. Honestly, the jacket looks more like a fuzzy bathrobe, complete with a matching fuzzy hat. Does he look a bit absurd at the store with this outfit? In a way, it does look out of place.
Is he one of the most comfortable shoppers? Yes, without a doubt.
Curlers Are The New Hair Accessory

Clearly, this lady was in a rush to get to the store since her hair was still set up in curlers. Considering how many are shown in the picture, she is probably sporting a solid seven of those things in her hair.
That being said, it doesn't take long to take seven curlers out. So, this was definitely more of a statement in new hair accessories than anything.
A Statement Hat If There Ever Was One

There is nothing quite like shopping and seeing a person wearing a full-on chicken hat. People can only hope that they aren't at the store to purchase chicken or eggs because that would just be overly morbid.
Curiosity is a fickle thing, though, because where does one exactly get a chicken hat?
At Least They're Matching

This right here is a true friendship because friends don't let friends go to the grocery store wearing a yodeling dress by themselves. Instead, they go into their closet, grab a wig, pantyhose, and their own dress.
Obviously, two men walking in the store wearing these getups are way less gossip-worthy than one.